SCANDAL ENGULFS THE ROSSELLÓ ADMINISTRATION AS CALLS FOR RESIGNATION GROW LOUDER IN CONGRESS AND ON THE ISLAND Despite a massive erosion of confidence caused by multiple scandals uncovered last week, and increasing calls for his
LAWSUIT ALLEGES DISCRIMINATION AGAINST PUERTO RICANS SEEKING GEORGIA DRIVER’S LICENSE The advocacy group Latino Justice has filed a lawsuit against the state of Georgia on behalf of Puerto Rican Kenneth Cabán González, who alleges that
ROSSELLÓ’S ADMINISTRATION IN CHAOS Yesterday’s dismissal of Raúl Maldonado from the three positions he held with the Ricardo Rosselló Administration—Treasury secretary, director of the Office of Management and Budget (OGP, in Spanish) and chief financial
PREPA Announces Plan for Initial FEMA Funds While PREPA prepares to receive up to $3.5 billion in FEMA funds by August, it has outlined its plans to begin the execution of four chief initiatives, which
PREPA Debt Agreement Reached Puerto Rico’s Financial Oversight and Management Board (FOMB), the Fiscal Agency and Financial Advisory Authority (AAFAF in Spanish) and the Electric Power Authority (PREPA) have finally reached a restructuring support agreement (RSA)
Trump Renominates Current FOMB Members President Donald Trump announced that he will nominate all current Financial Oversight and Management Board (FOMB) members for Senate confirmation. The move comes in anticipation of a May 16 deadline
Island’s Energy Future Uncertain After Marathon Congressional Hearing There seems to be no apparent resolution after the House Natural Resources Committee public hearing on the status of the reconstruction and privatization of the Electric Power
Senate Disaster Bill Stalls Amidst Puerto Rico Dispute US Senate efforts to approve an emergency disaster supplemental appropriations bill stalled after Democrats defeated a measure to fund emergency relief for the affected states that would have
HUD Inspector General Investigating White House Interference in Puerto Rico Funding The House Financial Services Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations held a hearing on “The Administration of Disaster Recovery Funds in the Wake of Hurricanes
NAP Funding Extension Likely to be Resolved After Congressional Recess Puerto Rico’s funding shortfall for the Nutritional Assistance Program (NAP, Puerto Rico’s equivalent of SNAP) has already reduced benefits for more than 1 million beneficiaries.